010-83010369为贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神,落实全国知识产权战略实施工作电视电话会议要求,推动国家知识产权战略深入有效实施,明确2014年战略实施重点任务和措施,制定本计划。 一、提高知识产权创造质量 目标任务:完善知识产权考核评价体系,提高知识产权创造的针对性和有效性。优化有利于提升专利申请质量的政策导向,加强专利申请质量监管。改进各类知识产权审查工作,强化质量管理,提高审查效率。提升创新主体知识产权创造能力,加强重点领域知识产权布局。 工作措施: 1.落实《关于进一步提升专利申请质量的若干意见》,优化区域专利评价工作导向,完善专利一般资助政策,推行专利专项资助政策,突出专利奖励政策的质量导向,推动专利申请质量指标纳入相关政策。 2.建立有利于提升专利申请质量的监管机制,强化对低质量专利申请的监控和处理,建设专利申请主体信用档案库,严肃处理套取专利资助和奖励资金行为,探索建立专利申请质量监测和反馈机制。 3.提高商标注册工作效率,加强商标审查质量管理,确保商标审查周期控制在9个月内,异议审理周期控制在12个月内。 4.推动落实《关于进一步规范作品登记程序等有关工作的通知》,促进作品登记、计算机软件著作权登记、质权登记等各项版权登记工作开展。 5.建立林业知识产权试点示范,完善试点单位考核评价体系,引导试点单位提升知识产权质量。 6.在战略性科技先导专项和重大项目中试点推进核心知识产权培育工作,探索建立中科院知识产权质量监测指标体系,发布知识产权质量年度报告。 7.选择国防关键技术,组织开展专利态势分析,引导知识产权布局,形成优势知识产权组合。 二、提升知识产权运用效益 目标任务:强化知识产权政策与产业、区域政策的衔接,推进战略性新兴产业知识产权工作,研究我国知识产权密集型产业的发展规律和培育政策。完善以知识产权为核心和纽带的创新成果转化运用机制,实施促进知识产权转移转化的政策措施,推动知识产权成果产品化、商品化和产业化。 工作措施: 8.加快促进战略性新兴产业的培育和发展,加强战略性新兴产业知识产权集群式管理,发布国家战略性新兴产业专利发展报告。 9.开展知识产权密集型产业基础研究,明确知识产权密集型产业范围,探索建立符合中国国情的知识产权密集型产业目录和统计规范。 10.推动《促进科技成果转化法》修订,推动科研机构和高等院校建立技术转移工作体系,改革和完善中央级事业单位科技成果处置和收益分配制度,启动国家科技成果转化引导基金,积极推动产业技术创新战略联盟专利共享和成果转化。 11.提升工业知识产权运用能力,宣传贯彻《工业企业知识产权管理指南》,制定企业知识产权运用能力评估指标,支持地方围绕工业转型升级关键环节开展特色产业或区域知识产权运用试点工作。 12.研究制定《种业科技成果产权展示交易平台管理办法》,发布相关展示交易信息,推行交易规范合同、交易章程和规则。 13.建立林业植物新品种与专利技术展示和对接平台,实施林业知识产权产业化推进工程;筛选一批授权优良植物新品种,纳入各级林业科技计划进行转化运用;构建林业重点领域知识产权战略联盟。 14.加强国家版权贸易基地建设,支持办好2014年中国国际版权博览会、福州海峡版权(创意)产业精品博览交易会等大型版权贸易展会。 15.加快实施专利导航试点工程,在3个专利导航实验区开展专利导航分析项目,探索建立专利分析与产业运行决策深度融合的工作机制;在2-3个产业关键技术领域培育专利储备运营项目。 16.推进知识产权金融服务,加强知识产权质押融资、投融资、专利保险等工作,在知识产权示范园区推动建立专利转移转化服务机制,推进专利价值分析指标体系应用。 17.制定有关国防知识产权权利归属与利益分配的政策意见,开展国防知识产权运用试点,促进国防知识产权转化运用。 18.起草促进国防领域和民用领域知识产权相互转化的相关政策,编制发布知识产权转化实施目录,开展知识产权转化实施试点示范工作,推动知识产权军民双向转化实施。 三、提高知识产权保护效果 目标任务:完善知识产权立法,加强知识产权保护长效机制建设。推进知识产权审判体系建设,提高司法保护力度。提升知识产权行政执法能力,针对重点领域、重点区域、重点环节开展专项执法行动和维权援助工作。推进知识产权纠纷调解工作开展,健全多元化纠纷解决机制。强化网络环境下的知识产权保护,提升对传统优势领域知识产权资源的保护水平。 工作措施: 19.推进著作权法、专利法、商标法实施条例、职务发明条例等法律、行政法规的制定修改。 20.起草完成《关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释(二)》、《关于修改〈关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定〉的决定》、《关于审理商标民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》、《关于审理商标授权确权行政案件若干问题的规定》、《关于知识产权诉前行为保全适用法律若干问题的解释》。 21.继续推进《创新药物保护管理规定》的起草与制定工作,加强创新药物保护。 22.探索建立知识产权专门法院,优化知识产权保护体制,健全创新激励机制。 23.健全行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制,完善中央级信息共享平台,加快建立省级以下信息共享平台,推进平台间对接互联,实现案件的有效移送和反馈。依法公开制售假冒伪劣商品和侵犯知识产权行政处罚案件信息。 24.研究制定《政府机关使用正版软件管理办法实施意见》,开展软件正版化督促检查,做好市、县政府机关软件正版化验收工作,以国有企业、金融机构、大型外资和民营企业及新闻出版行业等为重点,深入推进企业使用正版软件,引导企业加强软件资产管理,开展计算机预装正版操作系统软件专项检查。 25.开展知识产权反垄断调查,对滥用市场支配地位拒绝许可、高价许可、反向支付,以及利用专利池达成价格垄断协议排除、限制竞争等行为适时启动反垄断调查。 26.重点打击社会影响大、群众反映强烈的制售假药品、假食品、假农资、假日化、假机电等犯罪活动,完善集群战役信息化作战机制,以打假溯源技术应用为重点,带动警企协作机制建设,加快推进物流信息、行政执法信息共享,完善实战应用机制。 27.强化网络环境下的知识产权保护,针对利用互联网销售侵权假冒重点商品开展专项整治。 28.开展第十次打击网络侵权盗版“剑网行动”,针对网络侵权盗版行为进行专项治理。 29.实施“专利行政执法能力提升工程”,建立健全知识产权维权援助与举报投诉、专利执法协作调度、专利纠纷快速调解和专利侵权判定咨询机制,推进专利行政执法办案能力提升,加强知识产权维权援助举报投诉平台建设,完善执法维权工作绩效考核指标体系。 30.推动知识产权争议调解仲裁机制建设,培育一批有公信力的知识产权争议调解仲裁机构,加强引导,发挥人民调解、行政调解和仲裁在解决知识产权争议中的作用。 31.积极拓展知识产权公证业务领域,加快构建完善的知识产权预防性保护机制。 32.加强专业市场知识产权保护,培育形成一批引领示范型的专业市场,推动建立专业市场知识产权保护评价体系。 33.完善自由贸易区知识产权保护,探索转运货物涉嫌侵犯知识产权的监管机制。 34.研究知识产权保护社会信用评价的基本准则,完善社会征信体系。 35.加强商标行政执法区域、部门协作,重点查办跨区域、大规模、社会反映强烈的商标侵权案件,严厉打击“傍名牌”行为,进一步健全商标保护长效机制。 36.重点开展针对大型网络内容提供平台的版权主动监管,适时扩大主动监管范围,完善长效工作机制,进一步规范互联网传播作品的版权秩序。 37.健全地理标志工作协调机制,推动地理标志联合认定和保护,探索开展对地理标志的授权、管理和保护作出统一规定的立法研究。 38.开展打击侵犯植物新品种权和制售假劣种子行为专项行动。 39.继续推动《生物遗传资源获取与惠益分享管理条例》立法进程,实施加强生物遗传资源获取与惠益分享国家工作方案。 40.发布《中医药传统知识保护研究纲要》,开展全国中医药传统知识调查,初步构建中医药传统知识保护名录和数据库。 41.开展民间文学艺术数据库上线传播工作,继续探索建立民间文艺保存人与后续创作人之间合理分享利益的机制。 42.加大对海关知识产权大要案的查处力度,加强执法统一性建设,升级完善“知识产权海关保护执法系统”,支持成立国内自主知识产权企业保护区域联盟,开展出口知名品牌企业知识产权海关保护情况调查。 43.加快修订《国防专利条例》,强化国防知识产权保护,开展国防知识产权保护试点。 四、提升知识产权管理和公共服务水平 目标任务:以创造良好发展环境和提供优质公共服务为重点,完善知识产权管理和公共服务体系。推进知识产权公共信息服务平台建设,提高信息公开水平。推动重大经济活动知识产权评议机制建设,加强重点领域知识产权信息分析和预警。促进企业、高校、科研院所提升知识产权管理能力。 工作措施: 44.出台加强和改善知识产权管理工作的政策文件,完善知识产权管理体制机制,提高政府、行业、企业、高校、科研机构和服务机构等的知识产权管理水平。 45.加快修订《关于加强国家科技计划知识产权管理工作的规定》,贯彻落实《国家科技重大专项知识产权管理暂行规定》,继续推动国家科技重大专项制定发布知识产权管理细则,完善国家科技计划和重大专项知识产权信息登记、统计和评估制度。 46.研究修订高校院所知识产权管理相关政策文件,制定高等院校和科研组织知识产权管理标准,完善高校知识产权管理体系。 47.设立重点产业和关键技术领域知识产权风险评估与预警项目,组织重点产业知识产权预警态势发布;研究建立关键技术领域知识产权风险应对与预警机制。 48.推进重大经济活动知识产权评议工作,研究制定知识产权分析评议规范,提升知识产权分析评议服务机构的服务能力。 49.组建全国知识管理标准化技术委员会,建立健全知识管理国家标准体系,研究提出国家标准制修订计划项目,引导企业实施《企业知识产权管理规范》,组织实施知识产权管理体系认证活动,加快培育国家级知识产权示范企业和优势企业,实施中小企业知识产权战略推进工程,开展中小微企业知识产权托管。 50.推进全国专利信息公共服务体系建设,研究制定进一步开放专利基础数据资源的方案,完善《全国专利信息公共服务指南》。 51.推进“金农工程”农产品地理标志信息系统和相关数据库建设,推动农业知识产权平台建设,开展国内外农业知识产权信息分析、价值评估和知识产权预警,定期发布《中国农业知识产权创造指数报告》。 52.发布实施并宣传贯彻《国家标准涉及专利的管理规定(暂行)》,发布配套国家标准《标准制定的特殊程序第1部分:涉及专利的标准》。 53.深化司法鉴定管理体制改革,推动将知识产权司法鉴定纳入统一登记管理范围,探索建立司法鉴定科技专家库。 54.优化知识产权统计分析指标体系,研究在科技、贸易等相关统计年鉴中增加知识产权指标,研究建立知识产权密集型商品进出口统计制度,推动将知识产权纳入经济发展质量统计监测,在修订的国民经济核算体系中加强知识产权产品的统计核算。 五、促进知识产权国际交流 目标任务:完善知识产权对外信息交流与应对机制,积极参与知识产权国际秩序构建,提升知识产权对外工作水平。加强与国际组织和主要国家的交流与合作,提高处理知识产权国际事务的能力和主动性,扩大知识产权国际影响力。拓展企业对外发展空间,加强对企业海外维权的指导和服务。 工作措施: 55.通过多双边交往,就外方关注的知识产权保护问题做好增信释疑工作,做好世界知识产权组织在华办事处开办后续工作,做好有关公约谈判和条约审核工作,积极参与知识产权国际秩序构建。 56.完善知识产权对外信息交流与合作,继续发挥现有双边对话和工作组机制的作用,开展知识产权海外交流。推动落实《中美知识产权合作框架协议》和中欧新的知识产权合作项目,力争尽快结束中欧地理标志谈判,组织做好中韩、中日韩等自由贸易协定知识产权章节谈判。 57.加强海外知识产权应对机制建设,探索建立支持企业和产业国际化发展的知识产权工作体系,完善海外知识产权信息平台建设,构建海外知识产权服务机构圈,在更多的国外大型展会设立中国企业知识产权服务站,调动和整合驻外机构、国内地方和社会资源为企业提供服务。 58.做好《国际植物新品种保护公约》(UPOV)履约工作,完善履约对案,争取承担UPOV测试指南编制任务,做好两岸间的植物新品种保护工作交流合作。 59.研究加入《生物多样性公约遗传资源获取和惠益分享议定书》相关事宜,加强后续谈判议题研究,筹备政府间会议及缔约方大会。 60.研究加入《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》。 61.积极参与外观设计法条约等国际规则的磋商和谈判,推动中国加入《工业品外观设计国际保存海牙协定》相关筹备工作,进一步扩展专利审查高速路合作网络,拓展企业海外申请便利渠道,完善知识产权对外信息交流与应对机制。 62.推进落实我国加入《视听表演北京条约》有关工作,积极开展我国加入《关于为盲人、视力障碍者或其他印刷品阅读障碍者获得已出版作品提供便利的马拉喀什条约》相关工作。 63.结合国际舆论关切,及时介绍我国推进知识产权战略实施的政策措施,反映我国加强知识产权保护、打击侵权假冒行为的坚定决心和显著成效。 六、提升知识产权基础能力 目标任务:加快发展知识产权服务业,引导服务机构业务向专业化、品牌化、国际化发展。加大知识产权人才培养力度,完善知识产权专业人员评价标准,促进高层次人才向知识产权领域聚集。创新知识产权宣传教育模式,推动知识产权文化建设,提升社会公众的知识产权整体素质。 工作措施: 64.制定全国知识产权服务标准化体系建设指导意见,开展全国知识产权服务业统计调查,推进国家知识产权服务业集聚发展试验区建设和全国知识产权服务品牌机构培育工作。 65.推进《专利代理条例》修订工作,研究制定专利代理行业发展中长期规划,出台专利代理行业发展的促进政策,建立专利代理行业服务标准,完善专利代理人资格考试制度。 66.完善高层次人才回国各项优惠政策,通过各项引才计划重点引进紧缺的知识产权相关海外高端留学人才;对各级各类留学人员创业园加强指导,重点支持留学人才以自主知识产权创办高新技术企业。 67.建立国家知识产权人才培养基地,推动知识产权研究的协同创新,指导相关卓越法律人才教育培养基地加强高素质知识产权专业人才培养工作,完善高等院校、职业院校知识产权学科专业课程体系,开设知识产权相关领域辅修课程,深入开展中小学知识产权宣传教育。 68.落实《关于加强知识产权人才体系建设的意见》,将知识产权领域相关职业纳入国家职业分类大典,建立和完善知识产权专业技术人才评价体系,将知识产权专业人才纳入职称评价范围,加强人才水平评价,促进人才成长发展和合理流动。 69.构建国防科研项目知识产权专员体系,逐步建立国防知识产权专员队伍,探索建立专员资质认证及培训考核机制;制定中科院知识产权专员管理办法,明确知识产权专员的工作职责、职业发展规划。 70.围绕重要时间节点和相关活动,组织新闻媒体开展知识产权专题宣传;加强网上宣传报道,组织中央媒体及中央重点新闻网站、主要商业门户网站等,充分运用新媒体,提升宣传引导效果。 71.将知识产权法制宣传与“法律六进”活动结合,广泛普及知识产权保护法律知识,在中国普法官方微博集中开展知识产权专题法制宣传,指导各地普法网站组织开展形式多样的知识产权法制宣传活动。 七、提高知识产权战略组织实施水平 目标任务:加强知识产权战略深化实施的总体谋划和顶层设计。完善各领域和区域知识产权战略规划与部署,推动知识产权战略实施有效融入各领域和区域经济发展。加强知识产权战略实施部际联席会议机制建设,加大战略组织实施力度。 工作措施: 72.制定发布《深化实施国家知识产权战略行动计划 (2014-2020年)》。 73.加强知识产权战略实施工作体系和平台建设,推动知识产权战略指标纳入地方绩效考核体系,适时开展知识产权战略实施情况督导检查。 74.启动“十三五”知识产权工作规划编制研究工作。 75.按照分类指导要求深入推进区域知识产权战略实施,进一步加强首都经济圈、环渤海地区等国家重点区域规划和重大政策与知识产权政策的衔接,建立和完善区域知识产权合作机制,推动部分有条件的省份建设知识产权强省。 76.启动国防知识产权战略十三五规划编制,完善战略实施组织体系和工作机制建设。 77.启动文化系统知识产权战略指导性文件的研究制定工作。 78.印发《关于加强医药卫生和计划生育知识产权工作的指导意见》,并推动实施。 79.完成地方知识产权战略实施阶段性总结评价工作,形成地方知识产权战略实施发展报告。 The Promotion Plan for the Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2014 Office of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting for Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy This plan is promulgated to implement the requirements of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, carry out the requirements of the national television and telephone conference on implementing intellectual property strategy, promote the deep and efficient implementation of the national intellectual property strategy, identify the primary goals and measures for the implementation of the strategy in 2014. I. Raising the Intellectual Property (IP) Creation Quality Goals: Improving IP performance evaluation system, raising the pertinence and efficiency of the IP creation. Optimizing the policy orientation for improving the quality of patent application, strengthening the supervision on the quality of patent applications. Improving examinations of various IP types, strengthening the quality management, raising the examination efficiency. Upgrading the creation capability of IP innovators, enhancing IP layout in key fields. Measures: 1. Implement the Opinions on further Improving the Quality of Patent Applications, optimize the orientation of regional patent evaluation, improve general policy on patent subsidizing, implement special patent subsidizing policy, highlight the quality orientation of patent awarding policy, promote the integration of quality index of patent applications into relevant policies. 2. Establish the supervision system for facilitating the quality improvement of patent applications, strengthen the monitoring and handling of low quality patent applications, develop the credit database of patent applicants, seriously handle the cases involving swindling patent subsidies and awards, explore to establish the quality monitoring and feedback system of patent applications. 3. Raise the trademark registration efficiency, strengthen the quality management of trademark examination, ensure the trademark examination pendency below 9 months and the disagreement review pendency below 12 months. 4. Promote the implementation of the Notice on further Standardize the Copyright Registration Procedure and Relevant Works, improve registration of various copyrights, such as literatures, computer software, and hypothecations. 5. Establish the pilot and demonstration projects on forestry IP, improve the performance evaluation system on pilot units, guide the pilot units to raise IP quality. 6. Promote the core IP cultivation in the strategic technology-led projects and major projects, explore the establishment of IP quality supervising index system in China Academy of Science, publish the annual report on IP quality. 7. Select key technologies of national defense, organize analysis on patent status and trends, guide the IP layout, form IP portfolios with advantages. II. Upgrading the Effectiveness of IP Utilization Goals: Strengthening the connection between IP policies and industrial, regional policies, promoting the IP in strategic emerging industries, conduct study on the development mode and the cultivation policy relating to Chinese IP-intensive industries. Refining the transformation and utilization mechanisms for IP-cored and IP-based innovations, implementing the policies and measures facilitating the IP transfer and transformation, promoting the materialization, commercialization and industrialization of IP rights. Measures: 8. Accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries, strengthen the aggregated IP administration of strategic emerging industries, publish patent development report on national strategic emerging industries. 9. Carry out the fundamental research on IP-intensive industries, identify the scope of IP-intensive industry, explore the establishment of catalogue and statistical specifications for IP-intensive industry in line with China’s own conditions. 10. Promote the revision of the Law of the PRC on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements, promote the research institutions and colleges to establish technology transfer system, reform and refine the management and distribution system for scientific and technological achievements in central public institutions, set up national guidance fund for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, actively promote the patent sharing and achievement transformation in the strategic alliance for industrial technology innovations. 11. Raise the IP utilization capabilities of industrial enterprises, publicize and implement the Guideline for IP Management in Industrial Enterprises, regulate the IP utilization capability evaluation index of enterprises, support the local governments to develop featured-industry or regional IP utilization pilot projects with focus on the industrial transformation and upgrading. 12. Study and formulate the Management Regulations on the Property Exhibition and Trading Platform of Technological Achievements in Seed Industry, publish the relevant exhibition and trade information, promote the standard trade contracts, trade rules and regulations. 13. Establish the patent exhibition and matching platform for the new varieties of plants and relevant IPRs, implement the promotion project for forestry IP industrialization; select a number of granted new varieties of plants for transformation and utilization in various forestry technology plans; establish IP strategic alliance in the key forestry fields. 14. Strengthen the development of national base for copyright trading, support the organization of large-scale copyright fairs, such as the 2014 China International Copyright Expo, and the Fuzhou Cross-Strait Copyright (Creative) Industry Fair. 15. Accelerate the implementation of patent-oriented pilot projects, carry out the patent-oriented analysis projects in 3 patent-oriented experimental zones, explore the establishment of working mechanism closely integrating patent analysis and industry operation decision, develop patent storation and operation projects in 2-3 key industrial technology areas. 16. Promote the IP financial service, enhance the IP mortgage financing, IP investment and financing, and patent insurance, establish the patent transfer and transformation service mechanism in IP demonstration zones, promote the utilization of patent value analysis index system. 17. Draft policies and opinions on rights ownership and benefit distribution of IP rights in the national defense area, carry out the national defense IP utilization pilot, promote pilot programs for the transformation and utilization of national defense IP. 18. Draft the policies on promoting the IP transformation between military and civil fields, develop and promulgate the IP transformation and implementation catalogue, provide the pilot and demonstration programs for IP transformation and utilization, promote the two-way IP transformation and utilization between military and civil areas. III. Raising the Effectiveness of IP Protection Goals: Refining the IP legislation, improving the long-term mechanism for IP protection. Promoting the development of IP trial system, raising IP judicial protection level. Enhancing the capacity of IP administrative enforcement, implementing special enforcement and assistance programs for key fields,areas and procedures. Promoting the mediation of IP disputes and, improving the diversified dispute resolution mechanisms. Strengthening the IP protection in cyber environment, enhancing the protection for IP resources in the traditional advantage areas. Measures: 19. Promote the drafting and revising of relevant laws and administrative regulations, such as Copyright Law, Patent Law, Implementation Regulation of Trademark Law, and Service Invention Regulation. 20. Complete the drafting of the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Patent Infringement Disputes (II), Decision on Amendments to the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law to the Trial of Patent Dispute Cases, Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning Applicable Law in the Trial of Trademark Civil Disputes, Provisions on Several Issues Concerning Applicable Law in the Trial of Trademark Granting and Confirmation Administrative Cases, Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Applicable Law in IP Attachment before the Institution of an Action. 21. Continue to promote the drafting and formulating of Regulations on Administration of the protection of Innovative Pharmaceutical, strengthen the protection of innovative pharmaceutical. 22. Explore the establishment of IP special court, optimize the IP protection system, improve the incentive mechanism for innovation. 23. Improve the mechanism linking administrative enforcement and judicial enforcement, refine central-level information sharing platform, accelerate the establishment of information sharing platforms at provincial and lower levels, promote the integration of the above platforms, provide effective case transfer and feedback. Publish the case information concerning administrative punishment against producing and selling counterfeited and shoddy goods and IP infringement according to the law. 24. Study and formulate the Implementation Opinions on the Management Regulations of Legitimate Software Application in Governmental Agencies, carry out supervision and inspection on application of legitimate software, improve performance assessment on legitimate software application in governments at municipal and county levels, further promote the legitimate software application in enterprises with focus on state-owned enterprises, financial institutions, large-scale and private enterprises, press and publication industry, guide enterprise to strengthen management on software assets, develop carry out special inspection on the pre-installation of legitimate operation system software in computers. 25. Carry out IP antitrust investigation, initiate antitrust investigation at appropriate time into following activities: abusing market dominant position to refuse license, license with high price, reverse payment, and using patent pool to make price monopoly agreement to exclude and limit competition. 26. Highlight the fight against crimes with serious social influence and strong public reaction, such as producing and selling counterfeit medicines, foods, agricultural products, daily chemicals, mechanical and electrical products, refine the integrated and informatization fight mechanism, with focus on application of the counterfeits tracing technology, promote the coordination mechanism between police and enterprises, accelerate the sharing of logistics information and administrative enforcement information, improve the actual fight application mechanism. 27. Strengthen the IP protection in cyber environment, carry out special crackdown major infringement and counterfeit goods sold on Internet. 28. Implement the 10th Swordnet campaign against online copyright piracy, implement special crackdown on online copyright piracy. 29. Implement the Project on Enhancing Patent Administrative Enforcement Capability, establish and improve mechanisms of IP protection assistance and complaint, patent enforcement coordination, fast patent dispute mediation and patent infringement determination, raise the patent administrative enforcement capabilities, improve the IP protection assistance and complaint platform, refine the evaluation index system of enforcement performance. 30. Promote the mechanism construction on IP dispute mediation and arbitration, cultivate a number of IP institutions with public credibility on IP dispute mediation and arbitration, enhance the roles of civil mediation, administrative mediation and arbitration in solving IP disputes. 31. Actively expand the business field of IP notarization, accelerate the establishment of IP pre-protection mechanism. 32. Enhance the IP protection in specialized market, cultivate a number of model specialized markets, promote the establishment of the evaluation system for IP protection in specialized markets. 33. Refine the IP protection in free trade zone, explore the supervision mechanism on transshipment cargo with suspected IP infringement. 34. Research the basic principles of IP protection social credit evaluation, refine the social credit system. 35. Enhance regional and departmental cooperation on trademark administrative enforcement, prioritize the investigations into the cross-regional and large-scale trademark infringement cases with serious social influence, severely combat “imitation of famous brand” behaviors, further refine the long-term trademark protection mechanism. 36. Carry out active copyright supervision on large-scale online content suppliers, expand the supervision scope at appropriate time, refine the long-term working mechanism, further standardize the copyright order of online literature. 37. Improve the coordination mechanism of geographical indications, promote the united recognition and protection of geographical indications, explore the legislative research on uniform provisions on the granting, administration and protection of geographical indications. 38. Carry out special campaigns against the new variety of plants right infringement and the producing and selling of counterfeited and shoddy seeds. 39. Continue to promote the legislative process of the Regulations on the Access to and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources, implement national working plans on improving access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources. 40. Promulgate the Research Outline for Protection of Traditional Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, carry out the national survey on traditional knowledge of Chinese traditional medicine, set up preliminary protection catalogue and database for the traditional knowledge of Chinese traditional medicine. 41. Promote the online dissemination of the folklore database, explore the benefit-sharing mechanism between folklore depositaries and following creators. 42. Strengthen the investigation and handling of major IP cases in customs, improve the unified enforcement, upgrade the IP Protection and Enforcement System in Customs, support the establishment of the regional IP protection ally for the enterprises holding self-developed IP rights, conduct investigation into the IP protection by customs among the enterprises exporting famous band products. 43. Accelerate the revision of the National Defense Patents Ordinance, strengthen the protection to the IP relating to national defense, launch the pilot program for the protection to the IP rights relating to national defense. IV. Improving IP Management and Public Service Goals: Improve the IP management and public service system with focus on creating favorable development environment and providing excellent public services. Promoting the construction of public IP information service platform, improving the information disclosure. Promoting the construction of IP appraisal mechanism for major economic activities, improving the IP information analysis and early warning in key areas. Raising the IP management capabilities of enterprises, universities and institutes. Measures: 44. Promulgate the policies on improving IP management, refine the IP management mechanism, improve IP management capabilities of the government, industries, enterprises, universities, research institutes and service agencies. 45. Accelerate the revision of Regulations on Strengthening IP Management of the National Science and Technology Programs, implement Interim Provisions on IP Management of Major National Science and Technology Projects, further promote the formulating and the promulgating of IP management rules on major national science and technology projects, refine the registration, statistics and evaluation system of IP information of major national science and technology projects. 46. Study and revise relevant policy documents relating to IP management in universities and institutes, establish IP management standards for universities and institutes, improve the IP managements system in universities. 47. Establish IP risk assessment and early warning projects in key industries and technical areas, organize the release of IP early warnings trends in key industries; study and establish the tackling and early warning mechanism for IP risks in key technical areas. 48. Promote the IP appraisal for major economic activities, formulate the IP analysis and appraisal standards, improve the service capabilities of IP analysis and appraisal agencies. 49. Establish the national committee for the standardization of knowledge management technology, establish and refine the national standard system of knowledge management, study and propose the planning projects for formulating and revising national standards, guide the enterprises to implement Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Standards, implement the authentication for IP management systems, speed up the cultivating of the national IP demonstration enterprises and advanced enterprises, implement the IP strategy promotion projects for SMEs, carry out IP trusteeship for SMEs and micro enterprises. 50. Promote the construction of national patent information public service system, study and formulate the plan for further disclosure of patent basic data resources, refine the National Guidelines for Patent Information Public Service. 51. Accelerate the construction of geographical indication information system for the agricultural products in JinNong Project and related databases, promote the construction of agricultural IP platform, implement analysis, evaluation and IP early warning involving domestic and worldwide agricultural IP information, and periodically promulgate the Chinese Agricultural IP Creation Index Report. 52. Promulgate, implement and disseminate the Management Regulations on Patent-related National Standards (interim), promulgate the national standard of the Special Procedure of Standard Establishment, Section 1: Standards Involving Patents. 53. Further reform the management system for judicial appraisals, promote the integration of IP judicial appraisal into the unified registration management, explore the establishment of the specialist bank of judicial appraisals. 54. Improve the IP statistics index system, analysis and include the IP index into the technolog and trade-related statistical yearbooks, consider the establishment of the statistics system for the import and export of IP-intensive merchandise, promote the integration of IP into the counting and monitoring of the quality of the economic development, stress the statistical accounting of IP products in the revised national economic accounting system. V. Promoting IP International Exchange Goals: Perfecting the exchange and dealing mechanism of foreign IP information, participating in the establishment of international IP system, improving the foreign IP working capabilities. Promoting the exchanges and cooperation with international organizations and major countries, enhancing the capabilities and initiative of dealing with global IP affairs, enhancing the IP influence globally. Expanding the overseas development space for Chinese enterprises, improving the guidance and service for protecting overseas rights of Chinese enterprises. Measures: 55. Through multilateral and bilateral exchanges, improve the mutual trust and explanation on the IPR protections issues concerned by foreign side, undertake the follow-up work of the establishment of WIPO China Office, negotiate relevant conventions and review relevant treaties, participate in the construction of international IP orders. 56. Improve the foreign IP information exchange and cooperation, undertake foreign IP exchange through existing bilateral dialogs and working group mechanisms. Implement the SINO-US Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cooperation Framework Agreement and the new IP cooperation projects between China and EU, complete the China-EU negotiations on geographical indication as soon as possible, organize the negotiation on the IP sections in the China - Korea free trade agreement and China - Japan - Korea free trade agreement. 57. Improve the coping mechanism of oversea IP issues, explore the construction of IP working system for the globalization of enterprises and industries, refine the oversea IP information platform, establish the oversea IP service agency community, set up more IP service stations for Chinese enterprises in large foreign exhibitions, mobilize and integrate foreign-based institutions, domestic local and social recourses to provide services to enterprises. 58. Fulfill the International Convention on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), optimize the implementation plan, endeavor to conduct the compiling of the UPOV testing guideline, improve the cross-strait exchanges and cooperation on new varieties of plants protection. 59. Evaluate the issues relating to the Protocol to Convention on Biological Diversity on Access and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources, study the follow-up negotiation topics, prepare for the intergovernmental conference and the conference of the signing parties. 60. Deliberate the accession to The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. 61. Actively participate in the discussion and negotiation of international regulations, accelerate the preparation for China’s accession to the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, expand the cooperation network of Patent Prosecution Highway, expand the oversea application channels for enterprises, improve the exchanging and coping mechanism for foreign IP information. 62. Promote China’s accession to the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, carry out relevant works regarding China’s accession to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled. 63. Publicize the policies and measures for implementing China’s IP strategy in good time to answer for the international opinions and concerns, highlight China’s resolution and achievements in IP protection and combating infringement and counterfeiting. VI. Promoting Fundamental IP Capabilities Goals: Accelerating the development of IP service industry, guiding the service agencies to specialized, branded and globalized development. Enhancing IP talents cultivations, refining the evaluation standards of IP specialists, promoting the collection of high-end talents toward IP areas. Innovating the IP publicity and education mode, promoting IP cultural construction, enhancing the overall IP capabilities of the public. Measures: 64. Develop the Guiding Opinions on National Intellectual Property Service Standardization System, undertake national IP service survey, promote the construction of national experimental zone of IP service agglomeration development and the cultivation of national IP service brand. 65. Promote the revision of the Regulations on Patent Commissioning, study and formulate the middle and long-term development plan for the patent agency industry, promulgate promotion policies for the patent agency industry, establish the service standards of patent agencies, refine the qualification examination system for patent agents. 66. Improve incentive policies for the returned high-end overseas talents, draw IP-related high-end overseas talents through various talent introducing plans; enhance the guidance to the pioneer parks for overseas talents, support the high-tech enterprises started by overseas talents with self-relied IP rights. 67. Establish national cultivation bases for IP talents, promote the collaborated innovations in IP researches, guide the high-end IP specialist cultivation by the professional cultivation bases for law talents, improve the IP course system of universities and vocational schools, offer IP related minor courses, enhance IP publicity and education in middle schools and primary schools. 68. Implement Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Intellectual Property Talent System, integrate the IP related occupations into the National Occupation Classification, establish and refine the evaluation mechanism of IP specialists, integrate IP talents into the scope of the professional title evaluation, improve talents evaluation, promote the development and rational flow of talents. 69. Establish the IP specialist system for national defense technology research projects, gradually build up the national defense IP specialist team, explore the establishment of specialist qualification and training assessment mechanism; promulgate the IP specialist management measures by Chinese Academy of Science, specify the responsibilities and career development plans for IP specialists. 70. Organize news agencies to undertake IP-themed publicities, with focus on key moments and relevant activities; enhance online publicities, organize the central media agencies, central news websites and major business portals to e |